Animated Christmas Cards

GPD Group – “The Gang’s Christmas Eve”

Not unlike the many families who send pictures of themselves to their loved ones, GPD Group celebrates the season with custom-produced animated cartoons starring members of their corporate family: their executives and practice leaders.

Each year since 2001, this colorful cast of caricatures (which now numbers over 30) is placed in a different setting that invokes merriment — often some sort of pop-culture parody. I’ve had the privilege of animating every one of these cartoons, originally at Enterprise Information Services in Akron (GPD was our next door neighbor) but since 2007 as a freelance contributor.

GPD Group

Other Videos in the Series

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"Playhouse of Humor — A Christmas Carol"

D’OH! Humbug! From 2018.

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From 2013. A silly send-up of the Sixties’ superhero series.

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"The Gang's Christmas Eve"

An homage to vintage comedy shorts, in a classical animation style to match. From 2011.

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"A Zoo Meeting"

A reflection of the times, in the throes of the COVID Pandemic in 2020.

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"GPD's Got Talent"

This cartoon was not a parody but an original story with vintage stylings. From 2022.

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"The GPD Winter Games"

A tribute to the Olym  Winter Games. From 2021.
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"Star Corps"

The farce is strong with this one. From 2015.

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"Good Grief! Merry Christmas"

Not the first parody I did for GPD, but a classic. From 2006.

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-- Dave