Animated Explainer Series

National REIA Benefits Explainers

The National Real Estate Investment Association wanted some short attention-grabbing videos to promote the various benefits they offer investors through their member organizations.

As the parent organization of a nationwide network of local trade groups, the National Real Estate Investors Association seeks not only to encourage new membership but to educate and work with group members to help them achieve their goals. National REIA has an established YouTube channel for doing just that, and my initial work for them involved a pair of rather traditional explainer videos, involving primarily text and motion graphics (which I synchronized with music).

Following the success of those rather broad explainers, I was asked to create a new series of videos to explore National REIA’s myriad membership benefits more in depth. My direction was that these should be a little more fun and engaging, and should feature a cartoon spokesperson for the organization. I worked up a character design, and then took the script outlines (the key items we needed to hit) and devised ways to provide light humorous settings.

National REIA
Series Credits
Character Design
Dave Stofka
Julia Stofka
Kevin Coughlin
Dave Stofka
Lori Hudson
Barry Jackson
Dave Stofka

Other Videos in the Series

The first video in the series, a music-and-motion explainer with energy. The typography and color palette was intended to match the organization’s established style.

The animation was the first of the more humorous explainers, made in conjunction with The Home Depot, and featuring National REIA’s cartoon spokesperson.

Another cartoon-style explainer, to promote National REIA’s benefit partnership with Millennial Specialty Insurance.

Selected Artwork

NREIA insurance int before NREIA insurance int after

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